Many people are interested in modern methods of treating prostatitis, since this is a common disease among men, which interferes with leading a full lifestyle and causes severe discomfort. That is why for many patients the relevant question is how to get rid of pathology?
Thanks to effective and fast-acting therapy methods, it is possible to improve the functioning of the reproductive system in men. If prostatitis is not treated in a timely manner, the disease becomes chronic. The latest methods of treating prostatitis make it possible to get rid of the disease in the shortest possible time if you do not delay going to the doctor. The treatment process will take longer if you let the situation take its course.
In the process of carrying out therapeutic measures, it is important to relieve unpleasant symptoms and stop the development of the disease. The main goal of treatment is to restore the full functioning of the prostate gland.
An integrated approach to the treatment process
The urologist’s first goal in the treatment process is to eliminate the inflammatory process in the prostate gland. Complex therapy includes the following modern methods of treating prostatitis:
- Treatment with medications (antibacterial, hormonal, anti-inflammatory and fortified drugs).
- Medicines that increase immunity.
- Performing prostate massage.
- Physiotherapeutic treatment.
- Physiotherapy.
- Traditional medicine methods.
If you do not consult a doctor in a timely manner, surgical intervention is performed. In case of cancerous tumor or purulent complications, it is necessary to perform a surgical operation. During this process, the affected areas of tissue are removed. Due to the emergence of new effective treatment methods, the problem is not always eliminated through surgery.
Principles of popular therapies
Chronic prostatitis must be treated constantly. During therapy, it is important to lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right and exercise. In addition, physiotherapeutic treatment methods should be used to restore the patient’s general health. Quite often, urologists prescribe physiotherapy and other modern treatment methods in order to eliminate the inflammatory process in the prostate. Therapy is carried out using:
- laser treatment;
- radio frequency method;
- thermal therapy;
- electrical stimulation;
- vacuum method;
- therapy using ozone.
Each of these methods improves the functioning of the prostate, relieves inflammation and eliminates pain.
What is the essence of laser therapy?

Laser therapy is one of the newest methods of treating prostatitis. This manipulation improves microcirculation. During the procedure, a laser beam affects prostate tissue. Thanks to this therapy, inflammation is eliminated and blood circulation is improved. As medical practice shows, inflammation of the prostate gland occurs due to impaired blood flow in the organ. For this reason, treatment may take a long time.
How does electrical stimulation affect the prostate?
During electrical stimulation, the organ contracts under the influence of current. Thanks to this, congestion is eliminated, since accumulated fluid is removed from the prostate gland. In frequent cases, the inflammatory process appears with an inactive lifestyle. For this reason, electrical stimulation is indispensable in the process of complex treatment.
Application of thermotherapy
Thermotherapy is a modern method of treating prostatitis. The prostatitis treatment procedure is carried out under the influence of high temperatures. With the help of thermotherapy, you can get rid of harmful microorganisms that disrupt the functioning of the prostate gland. During this therapy, the affected cells are destroyed. This method is used not only in the treatment of prostatitis, but also other diseases of internal organs.
How is vacuum therapy performed?
Vacuum therapy is the newest method of treating prostatitis. During the procedure, a special medical device is installed on the patient’s penis. Under its influence, the genital organ becomes engorged with blood and hardens. This therapy improves erectile ability and blood circulation in the pelvic organs, and prevents the appearance of a stagnant process. This method of treatment must be combined with other methods of therapy.
Ozone therapy
In the process of ozone therapy, saline solution is used, which is saturated with ozone. This substance is administered to the patient through the anus. The duration of the course of treatment is five procedures. Thanks to this newest method of treating prostatitis, you can get rid of pathogenic microflora and restore damaged cells. As a result, the prostate gland begins to function fully.
Doctors' opinion

If one of the symptoms of prostatitis appears, it is important to immediately consult a doctor and carry out comprehensive treatment, since self-medication can cause great harm and aggravate the situation. If you do not see a doctor promptly, serious complications may occur. To prevent surgical intervention, it is important to be examined by a doctor on time. A modern method of treating prostatitis and adenoma should be prescribed by a urologist based on the results of the patient’s examination.
Treatment of the prostate gland with massage

Quite often, urologists prescribe prostate massage to their patients. This treatment method can be not only an excellent prevention of male diseases, but also an effective way to treat prostatitis. Thanks to massage actions, blood circulation improves, congestion is eliminated, fluid outflow improves, the inflammatory process is relieved, and severe pain goes away.
Without a doctor's prescription, it is prohibited to use the latest methods of treating chronic prostatitis at home. Prostate massage is not recommended without the advice of a specialist, as there are a number of contraindications. These include:
- the presence of a tumor or cancerous neoplasm;
- the presence of inflamed hemorrhoids;
- acute form of the disease;
- It is important to consult a doctor before undergoing the procedure.
Massage can be performed not only by a specialist, but also by a loved one. To do this, you do not need to use special devices or have special knowledge. It is important to prepare properly and take into account several recommendations from doctors. These include:
- Before the procedure, it is advisable for the patient to have an enema. This is necessary so that the patient does not experience discomfort during the prostate massage.
- The massage therapist must wash their hands thoroughly before performing the procedure.
- It is important to use disposable medical gloves.
- The duration of the procedure should not exceed 10 minutes.
As already mentioned, first of all, the massage therapist should wash their hands and put on gloves. It is advisable to cut your nails so as not to damage the mucous membrane of the gland. To make it easier to enter the patient's anus for massage, you can lubricate your finger with sea buckthorn oil.
Modern treatment of prostatitis in men often includes the use of sea buckthorn oil. Sea buckthorn is a useful plant that helps relieve inflammation and pain. It is very easy to feel the prostate gland. It has a round and slightly elongated shape. It is necessary to massage the organ with circular and massaging movements. It is important not to use too much force during the procedure so as not to cause pain to the patient. If the patient experiences discomfort, the procedure should be stopped. If the prostate hardens during massage, there is no need to worry - this is a normal physiological reaction of the organ. A substance can be released from the gland, with which pathogenic microorganisms come out.
As medical practice shows, the most common cause of prostatitis is an infectious disease. After just 1 massage session, the patient’s general health improves, thanks to this new modern method of treating prostatitis. To cure the prostate, it is not enough to use only massage. Treatment should be comprehensive and include medications prescribed by the attending physician.
How is prostatitis treated at home?

Before using any modern method of treating prostatitis and adenoma, it is necessary to undergo a full medical examination and consult a doctor, since self-medication can lead to the development of serious complications. Among the effective methods of therapy are:
- Tea with added honey. It is necessary to consume 90 g of linden honey per day and wash it down with warm tea. Thanks to this, the protective function of the body is strengthened and the urination process is restored.
- You need to consume 29 pumpkin seeds per day. This will improve the patient’s overall well-being and cleanse the body of harmful substances.
- An infusion of celandine will restore prostate function. This is one of the modern methods of treating chronic prostatitis. To prepare a healing infusion, you need to make a decoction of the plant (a tablespoon of herb per glass of boiling water) and dissolve honey in it. Take the resulting medicine several times a day, 1. 5 tbsp. l.
It is important to know that traditional treatment methods will not help to completely get rid of prostatitis, since such methods only eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of the disease and improve the patient’s well-being. To cure a disease, treatment must be comprehensive and as prescribed by a doctor.
Sea buckthorn treatment

Quite often, doctors prescribe sea buckthorn suppositories to patients, as they normalize the functioning of the prostate gland. Thanks to the antimicrobial effect, inflammation is reduced and the previous size of the organ is restored. The components of the plant enter the patient’s body and increase the human protective function. Betaphytosterol, which is contained in the plant, restores blood vessels and makes them elastic. With the help of beneficial acids, blood flow is normalized and congestion is eliminated, and the patient’s well-being improves.
It is prohibited to use sea buckthorn for cancer, allergies, stomach disorders, and diarrhea. Often modern methods of treating chronic prostatitis include the use of sea buckthorn suppositories. But in order to achieve the maximum positive effect from treatment, it is important to use them correctly. It is best to use them at night as they may leak from the anus. The duration of the course of treatment is determined strictly by the doctor. On average, the duration of therapy is 7-12 days. Sea buckthorn candles must be stored in the refrigerator, since under other conditions they lose their properties.
Sea buckthorn candles can also be prepared at home. To do this, combine sea buckthorn oil with finely chopped garlic. Mix thoroughly until a homogeneous paste is obtained and put on fire. Boil. When the mixture has cooled, form small candles with your hands. Wrap the suppositories in film and place in the refrigerator for several hours.
It is important to consult a doctor before using any treatment method. New methods of treating prostatitis and adenoma will be effective if you consult a urologist in a timely manner.
Sports treatment

Quite often, in the process of treating prostatitis, doctors recommend physical activity. It is especially useful to run in the fresh air. Thanks to this physical activity, blood circulation and the functioning of the cardiovascular system are improved, the immune system is strengthened and metabolism is accelerated, which is no less important in the process of treating prostatitis. Testosterone is produced during running. This has a positive effect on men's health and potency, and strengthens muscles. When a person sweats, harmful substances are released. While running, self-massage of the prostate gland is carried out, nervous tension is relieved and overall well-being improves. It's best to run in the morning. It is important to systematically monitor your well-being and not get too tired.
If, after playing sports, a man experiences severe pain in the pelvic organs, he should immediately consult a urologist and undergo a medical examination. In this case, the doctor will reconsider the level of physical activity. If the patient is overweight, it is necessary to jog and gradually increase speed.
Is swimming good for you?

Swimming is one of the most modern methods of treating prostatitis in men. Many human muscles are involved in the process of swimming. For acute and chronic prostatitis, it is not recommended to swim in the pool. Thanks to cool water, discomfort and pain in the pelvic area are eliminated. In the process of swimming, muscles become stronger and blood circulation improves. Before using any treatment method, it is important to consult a doctor and undergo all necessary tests. Only based on the results of the study, the doctor will be able to determine the type of physical activity that will not harm and will improve the functioning of the prostate. It is important to remember that not a single new method of treating prostatitis in men will help if you neglect the therapy process and do not follow the instructions of the urologist.